1x12” combo in brown, wheat grille with gold chevron badge, attractive two-tone brown and cream control panel, 18 watts from a pair of 6V6s, all-tube including the ... $1,995.00
The Magna Champ. Just like the smallest Fender amps these have a single 6V6 power tube and 5Y3 rectifier. But with a bigger cabinet, an Alnico Oxford 12” ... $795.00
1x10” combo, 12 watts from two 6AQ5/6005 output tubes, 3x12AX7 preamp, LO and HI gain switch, tube-buffered effects loop, bass and treble controls and an excellent master ... $1,999.00
1x12” combo in Traditional Brown tolex with wheat grille and gold Magnatone chevron badge. 22 watts from a 2x6V6 output section, 4 12AX7s and a 12AU7 ... $3,499.00